This will replace the ItemID, ItemName, and/or notes of any Selected Row(s). This will unhide anything that was hidden using the filter window Filtered items remain in the layout and will still be saved to the layout file. This allows you to only display items that match whatever filter variables you select.
Duplicate will create a copy of the selected Row(s).This can make it easier to find items you wish to modify. Del Crates deletes all items from the layout that are in the moving crate.This is useful if you wish to share the layout with another person and they need to know how many of each item the layout requires. You can export this list from the manifest window as well. This gives you a list of each unique item in the layout and how the total quantity of that item in the layout. Under the information panel is the group of buttons below. You should not need to worry about this information most of the time. This tells you how many items are currently loaded in the layout, What version the layout is and what zone the layout is for.
The first thing to note is the Information in the top left of the window.
This page will describe what some of the common buttons on the Main window of the Layout editor do.